Business Budgeting & Forecasting
Estimating and matching expenses to revenue is vital to help small/medium business owners determine whether they have enough money to fund operations, expand the business and generate income for themselves. Without a budget or a plan a business runs the risk of spending more than it is earning or, conversely, not spending enough money to grow the business and compete.
The Accounts Agency can help you establish this budget and help you fill your budget with viable estimates based on previous year expenditure and earnings, future expected expenditure and earnings, and general changes in seasonality and the cost of real money (CPI).
As a start-up this is a vital part of your business establishment. It helps to create business viability and aids in creating KPIs to adhere to ensure you stay afloat in what is such a crucial time for a new business and keeps you accountable to that of what is required to reach that ‘break-even’ point and beyond as soon as possible.
Then it is important to measure actual earnings and expenditure against these budget figures to identify various savings or over spends. This is vital information that is used to keep the business on track, understand its financial health and give information to enable the business to adjust operations and key areas of the business to keep in line with the budget/forecast set to ensure the business remains on track for its growth and future goals.